Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Introducing: Me.

Name:  Jessi Ackerman.  Age Classification:  Adult refusing to accept adulthood.  Occupation:  Mostly unemployed.  Recent Accomplishments:  Got out of bed before noon.

And so our story begins!  I write to you from the comfort of my parents' living room, watching The Devil Wears Prada and pretending to be productive by creating a blog that will most likely exist unnoticed in the vast nothingness otherwise known as the interwebs.  Or, you know, the internet, to (more) normal people.  I am about to embark on a journey of discovery (or more likely a journey of rambling) in which I shall attempt to write at least a couple of times a week about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  No, that's not quite right.  How about life, random musings, fun facts, and generally anything that might come to mind.

In the past, I have crafted blogs for the purpose of passing courses, including Mythological Musings and Mythological Musings 2 (the latter being such a creative title, am I right?!).  These blogs have including summaries and thoughts on various stories from myth and folklore across the world, as well as original stories based on characters and tales I had read.  Also including were various "Reading Diaries" which contain everything from quotes and puns to my adventures in travel and my thoughts on life.  At least the stories were passable (or at least I received an A on every one - woohoo!), so if you feel like browsing, delve deep into the darkest recesses of my mind!  Mwa hahaha!  Or not, that's cool too. . .

Regardless, here I am now, writing to you for no reason other than the need to do something.  For too long my life has been stagnant, now that I have graduated from college (Boomer Sooner!) and have been cast adrift into the cruel reality that is today's job market.  So in order to pretend that there is still something going on in my life, that I am indeed not simply another 20-something living only on their parents' dime, I shall regale the internet with my whimsy, composing posts on any - and I do mean any - subject that comes to mind.  And since I am sure that I will run out of ideas at some point, feel free, my dear readers (if you do exist ;) ), to offer up topics of your own in the comment threads.  I promise to be more entertaining and/or thought-provoking in the future!

Arrivederci, my virtual companions!  Until the mood to write strikes me once again!


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